Wednesday, 27 February 2019

How is Seniority Determined?

Today we will discuss about another very important topic that is Seniority.
           There are so many employees who are always confused that how will be their Seniority fixed? The seniority is fixed as per General and Common Condition Rules 1994. let's discuss this in detail:-
  • The inter se seniority of persons appointed to posts in each cadre of the service shall be determined by length of continuous service on such a post in that cadre of service.
  • In the case of persons recruited by direct appointment  who joins within a period specified in the order of appointment or within a such period as may be extended by the competent authority from time to time subject to a maximum of four months from the date of order of appointment, the order of merit is determined by commission or Board, as the case may be, shall not be disturbed. For example when the General Merit is displayed by the Subordinate Staff Selection Board or Punjab Public Service Commission after conducting the exam then Seniority of those persons will be according to this General Merit, Means who score higher marks in exam that person will be senior to others and so on.
  • In a case any person of the next selection has joined a post before the person whose joining time is extended as per above para then that person will be junior to the employees of next selection.
       Where two or more persons are appointed on the same date then their seniority will be fixed as follows:-
  1.  A direct appointed person shall be senior to the person appointed otherwise.
  2. A person appointed by promotion shall be senior to the person appointed by transfer.
  3.  In case of persons appointed by transfer or promotion , the seniority of such persons shall be determined according to the post from which they are promoted or transferred.
  4. In the case of persons appointed by transfer from different cadres their seniority shall be determined according their pay, preference will be given to the person who draws higher pay in his previous appointment and if their pays are equal then their length of service in the appointment and if length of service is also same then older person shall be senior to the younger one.
Seniority of Persons appointed purely on provisional basis or on ad hoc basis their seniority shall be determined as and when they are regularly appointed keeping in the view the dates of such regular appointment.

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