Tuesday, 28 January 2020

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It is brought to your attention that this website is going to close soon. We are moving all of this website data to a new website plus adding new stuff for your help. So kindly follow our new website 

Thursday, 26 December 2019

How to EXIT transferred or retired employees from Salary

                       Whenever any employee is retired or transferred from your office to other office then you have to make sure that this employee should be exited from salary. If you will not exit transferred employee from your salary then on transfer of this employee to other office his salary will not be disbursed. When the other office in which employee has been transferred are try to register him in their salary module an error will be displayed " This employee is already registered under DDO ........ contact ......
                     To remove this difficulty follow the following steps:-
  1.  Login from DDO id.
  2. Move to Application Management-----Approval/Cancellation.
  3. Click on second last option Exit Transferred/ retired employees from salary.
  4. You will see a list of employees whose Establishment or posting has been changed or who has been retired. Now click on Check box under IsRelieved and enter date upto which last salary is prepared. 
  5. For example if you have prepared salary up to 31-10-2019 then enter this date in Last salary prepared upto.
  6. Now in the end click on Exit employee from salary.
         You will see a popup employee exited successfully. click on OK. That's it. Same steps you can follow in case of retired employees so that those cannot show in your salary module.
 Thank You.

Clarification Regarding stepping up pay of a senior general category employee with junior reserve category employee

As we have already discussed this topic in our earlier post published on April 22,2018. In which we clarified that as if a junior reserve category employee promotes on roster point on the higher post then on that higher post this reserve category employee will be junior to senior general category employee when he or she promotes on the same higher post.As per Punjab government instructions No:8/5/2015-3PP.1/42 Dated:14-03-2017 the pay of Senior general category employee will be stepped at par with his junior.
               As per these instructions many departments of Punjab government have fixed the pay of senior junior and have granted the benefit of 4,9,14 years of ACP as per junior employee to senior. But now in latest instructions of Punjab government dated:10-10-2019 which are issued in reference to 14-03-2017 instructions, Government clarifies that during stepping pay of senior general category employee with junior reserve category employee, the benefit of 4,9,14 acp will not be given to senior as per junior. Only in starting pay will be fixed equal to junior reserve category employee because he is promoted earlier than him on roster point, ACPs will be given to senior on completion of 4,9,14 years of service from his actual date of promotion. For furter clarification you can download instruction from below:-

Monday, 9 September 2019

Stepping Up pay of Senior Government employees drawing less pay than the Juniors due to grant of benefit of ACP in the pay scales re-revised in the year 2011.

Government of Punjab, Department of Finance(Finance Personnel-2 Branch) vide its letter No. 6/46/10-1FP2/1555206/1 Dated:22-08-2019 have decided that if due to grant of Assured Career Progression Scheme in the pay scales re-revised in the year 2011,the pay of some senior government employees gets fixed lower than the pay of their junior employees, the pay of such senior employees shall be stepped up to the level of pay of junior employees subject to certain conditions.for complete instructions kindly click on below link:-
letter No. 6/46/10-1FP2/1555206/1 Dated:22-08-2019 

Sunday, 12 May 2019

Extension in Service.

In this post you can find all the instructions regarding Extension in Service issued by Punjab Government till date. In Starting an Extension of One year is given from Govt. side and after some time it is further extended for one year more. Means now age of retirement will become 60 years in case of employees who are on extension. This extension is optional means an employee who wants to avail extension should have to give his option before his date of retirement.

Sunday, 28 April 2019

Explanation of giving benefits of 4,9,14 Years under ACP Scheme.

In the brain of many employees, it always keeps on becoming dysfunctional from what date they will get the benefit of 4,9,14 ACP. First of all we need to know what are the conditions to become eligible for availing benefits under the ACP scheme:-
(a) ACRs:- As per para 4(b) of Government ACP instructions No.7/60/2006-5PP1/15963 Dated:03-11-2006 50% of the annual confidential reports are good and out of last three years reports at least two should be good.For all the remaining years benchmark may be average.
                        (b) Service:-  Only the service which counts for seniority and increments in a cadre against a post, shall be reckoned for the grant of benefit under Assured career progression scheme. Service rendered on provisional basis, on contractual basis or period of without pay leave which is not counted for increments, extraordinary leave, suspension period which is not treated as period spent on duty or increments which are stopped with cumulative effect are not counted for Assured Career progression. (As per Govt. instructions No.7/14/2011-1PP1/117 Dated: 6-2-2014 and rule 4.8(b) of Punjab Civil Service Rules Volume 1 part 1).
                        It should also kept in mind that cases of Assured career progression are treated just like as cases of promotion.So conditions which are essential to become eligible for promotion are also essential to become eligible for Assured Career Progression. For example to get further promotion you have to qualify departmental exam or type test. If due to invalid service record,benefit of ACP is not given from the due date means that the ACP is put forward by any means then in that case period of next ACP will be counted from this date.
For example 4 Year ACP of Mr. A is due on 19-01-2014. But his annual increment of 01-01-2014 is stopped with cumulative effect, Then in this case 4 Year ACP will be given from 19-01-2015(because period for which increment is stopped with cumulative effect not counted for ACP as said earlier). Next 9 year ACP will be given from 19-01-2019 i.e counting 5 years from 19-01-2015 and similarly 14 year ACP.

Govt. instructions No.7/14/2011-1PP1/117 Dated: 6-2-2014.

Tuesday, 9 April 2019

SAS Papers

                 In our previous post we have discussed about Punjab Subordinate Account Services Exam in detail. In that post we had uploaded the Syllabus and application form of this exam. As we know that Part-1 of SAS exam consists of Four papers of 150 marks each as described below:-
Paper-1         English/Punjab(75 marks each)
Paper-2         Punjab Civil Service Rules(With Books)
Paper-3         Audit and Account Codes(With Books)
Paper-4         Commercial Book Keeping
                 All the aspirants who are giving this exam are eager to know that what the format of this paper is. Therefore, for the help all those employees we are uploading previous year question papers of SAS so that the test-takers can have a little bit idea of the paper. In the uploaded file you will first find question papers of Punjabi then English and after this Punjab Civil Service Rules, Audit and Account codes and in the last Commercial Book Keeping. We hope that this post will be helpful to you all and you will clear the exam as soon as possible. Wish you best of luck for your future. 
                 For more Information and latest guidelines keep in touch with us. Follow the website or Follow by email address provided on right side of this website.