Monday, 9 September 2019

Stepping Up pay of Senior Government employees drawing less pay than the Juniors due to grant of benefit of ACP in the pay scales re-revised in the year 2011.

Government of Punjab, Department of Finance(Finance Personnel-2 Branch) vide its letter No. 6/46/10-1FP2/1555206/1 Dated:22-08-2019 have decided that if due to grant of Assured Career Progression Scheme in the pay scales re-revised in the year 2011,the pay of some senior government employees gets fixed lower than the pay of their junior employees, the pay of such senior employees shall be stepped up to the level of pay of junior employees subject to certain conditions.for complete instructions kindly click on below link:-
letter No. 6/46/10-1FP2/1555206/1 Dated:22-08-2019 

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